our films

Throughout a very sunny, snowy and blustery spring 2021, and a part of our project launch, we created these short introductory films, featuring some of our core team sharing with us their inspiration, knowledge and passion for wildlife and the natural world.

Wild.NG live streamed launch event in full / 29th May 2021

wild.NG meets Charlotte Jones to talk about young people helping local wildlife

wild.NG meets Alex Begg to talk street trees

wild.NG meets Tim Allman to talk about swifts

wild.NG meets Joni Sterland to talk about wildlife gardens

wild.NG meets Michael Peacock to talk about allotments

wild.NG meets Michael Walker to talk about nature recovery networks

wild.NG meets Michelle Reader to talk about art and nature


Our Wildlife Champion welcome event

Watch back our welcome event for our volunteer Wildlife Champions, held in May 2022. It was so so positive, with lots of tips shared and ideas to network as a group. If you are registered with us, please take a peek at our recording which will equip you with the information you need and updates about the next steps of the project.
